Free Recipe Ham and Mushroom Lasagna

Recipe Type: Free Recipes

Recipe Preparation: bake

Cooking Ingredients for Ham and Mushroom Lasagna Recipe

3 tb Olive oil
1 sm Onion; finely chopped
3-1/2 c Button mushrooms; sliced
3-1/2 c Canned Italian peeled
-tomatoes; drained & chopped
1/4 c Chopped fresh parsley
Dry white wine; (or
-substitute apple cider or
-white grape juice for
-non-alcohol cooking)
Salt and freshly ground
-pepper; (to taste)
1 lb Fresh lasagna sheets or
-packaged lasagna
Toasted fresh bread crumbs
12 oz Unsmoked ham; cut into
8 oz Mozzarella; shredded
2 Hard-boiled eggs; thinly
8 oz Ricotta
1 cn Cream of mushroom soup.

Ham and Mushroom Lasagna Preparation

In a large pan heat oil and gently saute onion until soft. Add mushrooms and saute briefly. Add tomatoes and parsley. Cook, covered, for 40 minutes, adding a little wine if the sauce becomes too dry. Season lightly. Cook the lasagna sheets, a few at a time, in boiling salted water until al dente. Remove with a large flat slotted spoon or a skimmer and place on dry tea towels to drain Preheat oven to 350 degrees Grease a deep rectangular ovenproof dish and toss bread crumbs in it to coat the sides. Discard any surplus. In a bowl – combine the ricotta and cream of mushroom soup Add in some parmisiane cheese if you want for extra flavor. Place of layer of pasta over the bottom and right up the sides. Spoon in 1/3 of the sauce, cover with a layer of ham, then 1/3 the mozzarella , the ricotta/soup blend, and finally one half of the sliced egg. Cover these with a layer of pasta, half the remaining sauce, and continue with the layers until the last is the remianing mozzarella. Fold over th etop any pasta from the sides that may be exposed. Sprinkle with parmisiane cheese and Bake for 30 minutes. Let sit for 3 to 4 minutes in a warm spot serving. Makes an incredible meal with a warm loaf of seeded french bread and a caesar sallad:) Volume 01 Number 556 by Gauldraya on Dec 30, 1997

Cooking Temperature:

Recipe Serves: 1

How Do You Cook Ham and Mushroom Lasagna?

If you know a better Ham and Mushroom Lasagna Recipe please comment below.