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  2 responses to Soft Ginger Cookies Recipe

  • why always use molasses?

    forgive me for asking this as ive only begun baking in earnest the past few months, but why do all soft ginger biscuit recipes have molasses in them?
    ive never heard of the stuff exept off tv and i cant find it in any of my shops. is it an american ingredient?
    if so, could you reccomend a substute? golden syrup perhaps?

    yours sinerely


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  • why use molasses

    Molasses has more bite and flavor than golden syrup.

    Substitutes which can be used :
    black treacle (which is very similar to molasses)
    dark corn syrup
    maple syrup
    ¾ of the volume of firmly packed brown sugar, especially soft dark brown sugar.

    As a child we were given a spoonful of molasses with milk when we were sick.
    According to wikipedia
    “it contains trace amounts of vitamins and significant amounts of several minerals. Blackstrap molasses is a source of calcium, magnesium, potassium, and iron; one tablespoon provides up to 20% of the daily value of each of those nutrients.[3]

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    Soft Ginger Cookies Recipe

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