Artichauts Chez Demery (Provence)

Free Recipe Title: Artichauts Chez Demery (Provence)

This Free Recipe ‘Artichauts Chez Demery (Provence)’ requires the following ingredients:

6 c Water
1-1/4 lb Baby red potatoes
20 Baby artichokes 1-1.5oz each
1/4 c Lemon juice
1/4 c Olive oil; or to taste
8 lg Garlic clove; halved
3 tb Chopped fresh parsley;
-leaves only
1/2 ts Salt
1/4 ts Ground white pepper

Recipe Temperature:

This Easy Recipe Serves: 6

Recipe Preparation: boil

How to easily cook Free Recipe: Artichauts Chez Demery (Provence)

1. In 5-quart nonaluminum saucepot, heat water and potatoes to boiling over high heat. Reduce heat to medium and cook potatoes 10 minutes. 2. Meanwhile, trim artichokes: Snap off and discard tough outer green leaves, stopping at the point where the leaves are half green and half yellow. Cut each stem even with base; cut 1/2 inch off each top. 3. With slotted spoon, remove potatoes to colander; set aside to cool slightly. Add artichokes and lemon juice to same water in which potatoes were cooked. Heat to boiling over high heat; cook 10 minutes. Drain artichokes well and set aside to cool slightly. 4. Meanwhile, cut cooled potatoes lengthwise into quarters; cut quarters in half crosswise. When artichokes are cool enough to handle, cut them lengthwise into quarters. Cut out any interior leaves that are purple or pink. 5. Heat oven to 450 degrees F. In large bowl, mix artichokes, potatoes, oil, garlic, parsley, salt, and pepper. Spread mixture in single layer on rimmed baking sheet and roast on bottom rack of oven 10 minutes. With spatula, turn mixture and roast vegetables until lightly browned — 5 to 10 minutes longer. Transfer mixture to serving platter and serve immediately. Nutrition information per serving — protein: 4 grams; fat: 9 grams; carbohydrate: 31 grams; fiber: 9 grams; sodium: 245 milligrams; cholesterol: 0; calories: 213. Copyright (c) 1996 The Hearst Corporation; all rights reserved URL available 1998-Mar-25 Notes: Flavored with garlic and olive oil, baby artichokes and tiny potatoes evoke the simple straightforward flavors of Provence. When I re-created the dish back home, I found that I preferred using the smallest artichokes I could find because they are particularly tender and more of the leaf may be eaten. Hanneman/Buster/McRecipe 1998-Mar Recipe by: Homearts online : Provencial Chefs Posted to MC-Recipe Digest by KitPATh on Mar 27, 1998

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