Bill s Biscotti

Free Recipe Title: Bill s Biscotti

This Free Recipe ‘Bill s Biscotti’ requires the following ingredients:

1 c Butter or margarine;
-softened, (2 sticks)
1-1/2 c Sugar
4 lg Eggs
1 tb Anise extract
1 tb Amaretto; more to taste
5 c Flour
1 tb Baking powder
1/2 ts Salt
2 ts Orange peel; grated

Recipe Temperature:

This Easy Recipe Serves: 24

Recipe Preparation: bake

How to easily cook Free Recipe: Bill s Biscotti

Heat oven to 375F. In a large bowl, cream butter and sugar; add eggs, amaretto and extract and beat until light and fluffy. Mix together remaining ingredients and gradually incorporate into liquid mixture, initially with mixer and finally by hand. Dough will be sticky. Place half of dough on oiled waxed-paper and roll into a log; unwrap on to lightly oiled baking sheet; vegetable spray works well for oiling both waxed-paper and baking sheet. Repeat with other half of dough. Final shaping can be done with an oiled spatula; rolls will tend to flatten. Bake until lightly browned, 20 to 25 minutes. Remove from oven and cool 10 minutes. Slice logs diagonally about 1/2 inch thick. Place slices on baking sheets and return to oven, baking for 10 minutes at 300F; turn pieces and bake an additional 10 minutes. For extra dry and crisp cookies, turn off heat and leave in oven until cooled. Freezes well. Recipe by: Bill Hatcher Posted to MC-Recipe Digest by Carol & Bob Floyd on Marcy,, h 16, 1998

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