Blue-Ribbon Chocolate Chip Cookies 2

Free Recipe Title: Blue-Ribbon Chocolate Chip Cookies 2

This Free Recipe ‘Blue-Ribbon Chocolate Chip Cookies 2′ requires the following ingredients:

1/3 c Rolled oats
1/4 c Flour
1/2 ts Baking powder
1/2 ts Cinnamon
2 lg Eggs
1/4 c Milk
1 c Apple; grated
1/4 ts Vanilla; optional

Recipe Temperature:

This Easy Recipe Serves: 2

Recipe Preparation: cook

How to easily cook Free Recipe: Blue-Ribbon Chocolate Chip Cookies 2

Mix together the rolled oats, flour, baking powder and cinnamon. Beat in the eggs and the milk (or apple juice). Add the grated apple. Mix well. Spoon one-fourth of the mixture at a time onto a hot, lightly oiled skillet. Using a spatula, spread the batter out to a thickness of about 1/3 of an inch. Cook over medium-high heat until bubbles appear and the surface begins to dry out. Turn over and cook until done. Per serving: 225 Calories; 6g Fat (26% calories from fat); 10g Protein; 32g Carbohydrate; 187mg Cholesterol; 160mg Sodium NOTES : 1/4 cup apple juice can be used instead of the milk. Other variations: add some raisins, use 1/3 cup cooked brown rice instead of rolled oats, add nuts, or add strawberries or blueberries. Recipe by: Cooking with the Right Side of the Brain Posted to MC-Recipe Digest V1 #755 by Kristin Cain on Aug 21, 1997

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