. Butters - Basic Information

Free Recipe Title: . Butters - Basic Information

This Free Recipe ‘. Butters - Basic Information’ requires the following ingredients:


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This Easy Recipe Serves: 1

Recipe Preparation: cook

How to easily cook Free Recipe: . Butters - Basic Information

Butter is the most frequently used form of additional fat for game birds. While it is usually used plain, a flavored butter will add to the end results. Some follow the excellent practice of tucking a portion of butter, frequently herbed butter, under the skin of the breast of a bird. In this position it seeps all through the meatiest parts. Seasoned butters are also excellent on game steaks. Clarified butter is a very good cooking medium (it also has a higher smoking or burning temperature than unclarified butter) and is excellent in sauces. This keeps well tightly covered in the refrigerator. Beurre Manie is easily and quickly made and keeps well under refrigeration. It is good to have on hand to thicken sauces and has the added advantage of doing it without lumping as the addition of plain flour will often do. To make beurre manie, work equal amounts of butter and flour well between your fingers. When it is smooth, store in a tightly covered container. Measure out as needed; about 2 tablespoons will moderately thicken 1 cup of thin liquid. Margarine can be handled in both the same ways, although the flavor is not quite the same. Seasoned butters should be made ahead and allowed to absorb flavors before using. Always chill. Recipe Source: THE HUNTER”S GAME COOKBOOK by Jacqueline E. Knight (c) 1978 Published by Winchester Press, New York, NY Formatted for MasterCook by Joe Comiskey, aka MR MAD - [email protected] -or- [email protected] 06-12-1997

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