Diet Recipe Ebook review: Weight Loss with Negative Calorie Foods

Weight Loss with Negative Calorie Foods

I personally don’t have a problem with my weight, as I explained in a review of “Americas most wanted Recipes” but this diet recipe ebook came to my attention when a friend of mine used it to loose weight, something she had been having a problem with. Letting me look at the weight loss recipe ebook for a little while and was impressed enough to write a review about it.

What is a Negative Calorie Diet?
When I first heard the title of the book, I thought my friend had been scammed good and proper. Negative Calorie recipes? There isn’t such a thing has a negative calorie food. But after reading the description I realised what they where talking about. Certain foods are harder to digest then others, so take more energy then others. Some of these have such a low calorie count gained and a high calorie amount needed to digest the food that you end up using more calories then you gain digesting the food.

This isn’t anything new and shocking, Celery is a well known to have this property. The purpose of this ebook is to make enjoyable recipes from these low fat foods. This is the main obstacle faced by most recipe diet books that use this type of weight loss, nobody wants to eat tons of Celery, unless your a rabbit of some kind.

What does the Negative Calorie Diet ebook contains?
The Weight watching low calorie Ebook is filled with over 150 recipes filled with a wide variety of desserts, muffins, ice creams, soups, salads, vegetables, pickles, sauces and more. These recipes use the bases of these negative calorie food, but are a lot more tasty. My friend could never stick to a diet before this, quickly getting bored and breaking the routine. But this diet ebook was different. I’ve tried some of the food you could make, and its real food, not stuff that looks like rabbit feed.

But even better was the weight loss my friend had experienced. Over just one week 12lbs was lost, and this kind of weight loss looks like its going to continue. My friend seems happier and more full of life, nothing else having have worked even close to this.

Free bonuses included with the diet ebook:
Free bonus Ebook: Nutrition Values of Over 1200 Food Items!
Free bonus Ebook: BMI Calculator
Free bonus Ebook: Centenarian Foods
Free bonus Ebook: 27 Health Tips

These bonuses contain some good stuff, a nice added bonus to the great information provided by the main recipe ebook.

My friend has only been trying it for a small while, and the effects are already noticeable, tasty calorie burning foods are keeping him on the diet, there is no chance of him dropping the advice given by the weight loss recipe ebook. For anyone who can’t seem to lose weight, this ebook is pure gold, a great deal at only $18.95. Click on any of the links or pictures to go to the recipe ebook authors website.

Weight Loss with Negative Calorie Foods recipe ebook website

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