Dutch Dandruff

Free Recipe Title: Dutch Dandruff

This Free Recipe ‘Dutch Dandruff’ requires the following ingredients:

1 pk Chocolate cake mix; + what
-is boxed
16 oz Chocolate cream frosting
Maraschino cherries
1 pk Fruit roll; red
3-1/2 oz Coconut flakes

Recipe Temperature:

This Easy Recipe Serves: 12

Recipe Preparation:

How to easily cook Free Recipe: Dutch Dandruff

Preheat oven according to cake mix package. Make cake and let cool on wire rack for at least one-half hour. Place one of the layers on a cake plate. Spread a thin layer of frosting on the top only, then carefully place the second cake layer right side up on top of the first layer. Fill a heavy-duty plastic food storage bage with the rest of the frosting, and twist the top tightly shut. Using a scissors, cut off one tiny bottom corner of the bag. To decorate: Think of the top o;f the cake as the top of a human head, and imagine apart running down its middle. Now, using the plastic bag of icing as a pastry bag, squeeze a stream of frosting hair falling from the imaginary part down the side of the cake. Continue adding streams of frosting until your cake has a full head ofo hair, leaving its front, or face, uniced. Using a dab of frosting, glue two cherries on the cake’’s face for eyes and one for a nose. Then, using clean scissors, carefully cut a piece of fruit roll into the shape of a tongue. Fold tongue in half lenthwise to form a realistic crease down the middle, then unfold and attach under the nose with a dab of icing near the icing layer between the two cake layers. Sprinkle coconut (dandruff flakes) generously down the center part of the head and lightly sprinkle flakes all over the rest of the cake. SICKO SERVING SUGGESTION: Stick a sterilized comb or Afro pick in the side of your cake’’s head! Serves: approximately 12 flaky friends Recipe by: Gross Grubs by Cheryl Porter Posted to recipelu-digest Volume 01 Number 160 by [email protected] on Oct 25, 1997

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