English Muffins 2 2

Free Recipe Title: English Muffins 2 2

This Free Recipe ‘English Muffins 2 2′ requires the following ingredients:

1 tb Active dry yeast
1 ts Sugar
1/4 c Water; lukewarm
1/2 c Boiling water
3 tb Margarine or shortening
2 tb Sugar
1-1/4 ts Salt
1/2 c Evaporated milk
4 c Flour
1 Whole Egg

Recipe Temperature:

This Easy Recipe Serves: 12

Recipe Preparation: bake

How to easily cook Free Recipe: English Muffins 2 2

Dissolve yeast and sugar in lukewarm water. Pour boiling water over shortening, sugar, and salt; stir to melt shortening. Add milk and cool to lukewarm. Add 2 cups flour and beat until smooth. Add egg, beat well; add dissolved yeast mixture and mix well. Add remaining flour to form a moderately stiff dough. Knead until smooth and satiny, then place in greased bowl and turn dough so greased side is up. Cover and set in warm place to rise until doubled in bulk. Punch down; let rest 5 minutes. Roll on a lightly floured surface to less than 1/2-inch thickness and cut into 3 or 4-inch rounds. Place on a cookie sheet covered with cornmeal, cover, and let rise until doubled in bulk. Heat an ungreased heavy skillet or frying pan (325 F. on an electric skillet) covered with a layer of cornmeal until the cornmeal just starts to turn brown. Place the muffins, top side down, on the cornmeal and bake, covered, slowly for about 10 minutes, then turn carefully and bake on the other side about 10 minutes. Cool on rack. Split, toast, and butter to serve (or just split and butter while still warm). Make 1 to 1 1/2 dozen, depending on size of cutter. Good with Gwendolyn Special or Coachmen’’s Special Variations: To make whole wheat English Muffins, substitute half whole wheat flour and half unbleached flour for the white flour. The egg may be left out, if desired; 1 tablespoon of wheat germ may be added. About 1/2 cup of currants or raisins may be added to either type of dough. Source: [Yankee Magazine - June 1981] Recipe by: Sam Waring ([email protected]) Posted to MC-Recipe Digest by Gail Shermeyer on Mar 30, 1998

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