English Muffins From Scratch

Free Recipe Title: English Muffins From Scratch

This Free Recipe ‘English Muffins From Scratch’ requires the following ingredients:

1 lb Strong white flour
1 tb Salt
15 g Fresh yeast; OR
1-1/2 ts Dried yeast
1 tb Sugar
8 fl Warm milk & water
50 g Butter; melted

Recipe Temperature:

This Easy Recipe Serves: 8

Recipe Preparation: bake

How to easily cook Free Recipe: English Muffins From Scratch

Sift the flour and the salt into a bowl and leave in a warm place. Dissolve the yeast and sugar in 5 ounces of the warm milk and water. Leave to froth, then mix in the fat. Stir all the liquid into the warm flour and beat well until smooth and elastic. Cover and proof in a warm place for 50 minutes or until doubled in bulk. Turn onto a well-floured board and knead, working in a little more flour if necessary to make the dough easier to shape. Round up the dough, roll into a thick sausage-shape, and divide into 8 to 10 portions about 1 1/2 - 1 3/4 inches thick. Shape each one into a round with straight sides. Put onto a greased baking sheet, cover and put in a warm place to prove for 30-40 minutes or until spongy to the touch. Leave plenty of room for expansion, and be careful not to over-prove, as the muffins will lose their shape. Warm and grease bakestone (or other griddle) lightly. Lift the muffins carefully onto the bakestone and cook over very moderate heat for 8-10 minutes, until pale gold underneath. Turn and cook the other side. Wrap in a cloth and keep warm if cooking in batches. To serve, insert a knife in the side; then with fingers pull the top and bottom apart and insert thin slivers of butter. (Or tear in half with forks, and toast.) If reheating from cold, toast the top and bottom, then pull apart and butter. Posted to MC-Recipe Digest by Gail Shermeyer on Mar 30, 1998

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