Flake Temptations

Free Recipe Title: Flake Temptations

This Free Recipe ‘Flake Temptations’ requires the following ingredients:

175 g Cream cheese; (6 oz )
150 g Natural yogurt; (5 oz )
20 ml Caster sugar; (1 tablespoon)
10 ml Gelatine; (2 teaspoons)
142 ml Whipping cream; (1/4 pint)
225 g Raspberries; fresh or frozen
; oz)
6 Cadbury s 99 Flake from a
-family box
Cream the cheese; yogurt and
; until smooth.
; Dissolve the
Gelatine in 40 ml; (2
-tablespoons) of
; warm water. Lightly
; whip the
Cream and fold half into the
; mixture.

Recipe Temperature:

This Easy Recipe Serves: 1

Recipe Preparation:

How to easily cook Free Recipe: Flake Temptations

Carefully fold in the clear gelatine with most of the raspberries, reserving four. Add four roughly chopped Flake to the mixture. Divide between 4 glasses and leave to set. Decorate with remaining cream, half a Flake on each and a raspberry. Converted by MC_Buster. Converted by MM_Buster v2.0l.

Do you cook Flake Temptations differently?

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