This Free Recipe ‘GREEK-STYLE BLACK-EYED PEAS’ requires the following ingredients:

1 tb Olive oil
4 Green onions, sliced
1 Clove garlic, minced
1/2 ts Dried oregano
2 c Black-eyed peas (19 oz.can),
-drained and rinsed
1/4 ts Grated lemon rind
2 tb Lemon juice
1/4 ts Pepper
1 pn Salt
2 tb Crumbled feta cheese,

Recipe Temperature:

This Easy Recipe Serves: 4

Recipe Preparation: cook

How to easily cook Free Recipe: GREEK-STYLE BLACK-EYED PEAS

In skillet, heat oil over medium heat; cook onions, garlic and oregano for 2 minutes or until softened. Add 2 tablespoons water, beans, lemon rind, juice, pepper and salt. Cover and cook for 1 minute until hot. (Beans can be refrigerated up to 24 hours.) Serve cold or at room temperature. Sprinkle with feta (if using). If available, substitute 2 teaspoons fresh oregano or dill for the dried oregano. NOTES : I”ve made a variation of this dish. I added a chopped tomato, a handlful of chopped, pitted Kalamato olives, and doubled (or more) the feta cheese. It’’s very good, and serves as a main dish for two. Could handle a bit more oregano. Also, I started with dry peas rather than tinned. Recipe by: Canadian Living Magazine January 1997 By [email protected] (Shermeyer-Gail) on Mar 02, 1997.

Do you cook GREEK-STYLE BLACK-EYED PEAS differently?

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