Koulouria (Loved in Greece and Turkey)

Free Recipe Title: Koulouria (Loved in Greece and Turkey)

This Free Recipe ‘Koulouria (Loved in Greece and Turkey)’ requires the following ingredients:

1/2 c Butter or margarine;
1/2 c Sugar
1 Egg
1 Egg yolk; (extra)
1-1/2 ts Vanilla
1-1/2 c Sifted flour; (not
-self-rising flour)
1/2 ts Soda
1/2 ts Salt
1 Egg white
1/4 c Sugar

Recipe Temperature:

This Easy Recipe Serves: 1

Recipe Preparation: bake

How to easily cook Free Recipe: Koulouria (Loved in Greece and Turkey)

Beat butter, 1/2 cup sugar, the egg, egg yolk and vanilla until light and fluffy. Mix in flour, soda and salt. Dough will be stiff. Cover. Chill 2 hours. Heat oven to 350 degrees. Shape dough by heaping teaspoonfuls into ropes, each 6 inches long and 1/4 inch thick. For smooth even ropes roll them back and forth on lightly floured cloth covered board. On greased baking sheet shape each roll into a figure 8, letting ends extend 1/2 inch. Complete cookies one at a time. Beat egg white until foamy, gradually adding 1/4 cup sugar while beating. Brush tops of cookies with sweetened egg white. Bake 15 minutes. Makes 4 dozen cookies. Posted to recipelu-digest by Diane Geary on Feb 22, 1998

Do you cook Koulouria (Loved in Greece and Turkey) differently?

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