Kraut Burgers

Free Recipe Title: Kraut Burgers

This Free Recipe ‘Kraut Burgers’ requires the following ingredients:

1 lb Lean Ground Beef
2 Loaves Frozen Bread Dough *
1 lg Onion, Finely Chopped
1 sm Head Of Cabbage, Shredded
3 tb Shortening
Salt & Pepper To Taste

Recipe Temperature:

This Easy Recipe Serves: 4

Recipe Preparation: bake

How to easily cook Free Recipe: Kraut Burgers

* Or substitute your favorite 2 loaf bread dough recipe. ~————————————————————————- Melt Shortening in skillet. Add beef, cabbage and onion. Cook until cabbage is nearly done. Do not brown. Drain, salt and pepper to taste. Roll bread dough, which has risen once to 1/4-inch thick. Cut in 5 to 6-inch squares. Place 2 to 3 heaping T of mixture on each square; bring corners together and pinch sides shut. Let rise 2o minutes. Bake at 375

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