Lasagne Ricce Con Ragu Di Salsiccia

Free Recipe Title: Lasagne Ricce Con Ragu Di Salsiccia

This Free Recipe ‘Lasagne Ricce Con Ragu Di Salsiccia’ requires the following ingredients:

1/3 c Olive oil
1 c Estratto; or 1 1/2 cups
; di Concentrato di
; Pomodoro or tomato
; paste
1-1/2 lb Fresh Italian sweer sausage;
-cut into 1-inch
; lengths
2 Stalks celery; diced
1 sm Onion; chopped
1/4 ts Sugar
Salt and freshly ground
1 lb Lasagne ricce; (1/2 inch
-wide, long
; ribbon-edged pasta)
; or fettuccine
Freshly grated caciocavallo
-or pecorino
; cheese

Recipe Temperature:

This Easy Recipe Serves: 1

Recipe Preparation: boil

How to easily cook Free Recipe: Lasagne Ricce Con Ragu Di Salsiccia

Heat the olive oil and estratto or Salsa di Concentrato di Pomodoro or tomato paste in a large saucepan, slowly adding about 1 cup of hot water. Stir constantly, until the estratto has melted and the mixture is smooth. (If substituting Salsa di Concentrato di Pomodoro or tomato paste for the estratto, only 1/2 cup of water is necessary.) Add the sausage, celery, onion, and sugar. Add enough water to just cover the ingredients and combine well. Season to taste with salt and pepper and simmer for 1 hour. Bring 4 quarts of water to a rolling boil. Stir 1 1/2 tablespoons of salt and add the pasta. Cook until al dente, or just tender, stirring often. Reserve 1 cup of the hot pasta water. Drain the pasta and transfer to a serving bowl. Add the sauce and toss well, adding a little pasta water, if a thinner sauce is desired. Pass the caciocavallo or pecorino. Converted by MC_Buster. NOTES : from La Cucina Siciliana di Gangivecchio by Wanda & Giovanna Tornabene with Michele Evans, Knopf, 1996. Serves 6 as a first course or 4 as a main course Recipe by: Good Morning America Converted by MM_Buster v2.0l.

Do you cook Lasagne Ricce Con Ragu Di Salsiccia differently?

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