Olive Bread

Free Recipe Title: Olive Bread

This Free Recipe ‘Olive Bread’ requires the following ingredients:

3 c Bread flour
1 c Water
1/4 c Olive brine; liquid
2 tb Oil
2 tb Sugar
1/2 c Olives; coarse chopped
; (salad olives)
2 ts Yeast

Recipe Temperature:

This Easy Recipe Serves: 1

Recipe Preparation: bake

How to easily cook Free Recipe: Olive Bread

Place ingredients ( 80 to 100 degrees ) in your breadmaker per manufactures instructions. Add more flour ( or liquid ) if needed to achieve a dough ball that is pliable and slightly tacky ( no dough adheres to your finger when touched ) and bake on the white bread cycle. As for the olive bread, I find that 1/4 cup of liquid brine was sufficient. It was plenty tasty. You could add more brine and less water for your experimentations.Coarse chop olives or they may be to finely incorporated into the bread. These breads were wonderful for last weekends family barbecue and devoured. I”ve made these breads plenty of times and you should have a beautiful tall moist loaf. You can email me if you have questions. From: Bread-Bakers Archives: ftp.best.com/pub/reggie/archives/bread/recipe Recipe By : Joan, Flour Power

Do you cook Olive Bread differently?

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