Our Special Challah

Free Recipe Title: Our Special Challah

This Free Recipe ‘Our Special Challah’ requires the following ingredients:

2 pk Yeast; (or 1 Israeli)
4 c White bread flour;
4 c Whole-wheat flour
1 tb Salt
1/2 c Sugar
1/3 c Oil
5 lg Eggs
1-1/4 c Warm water
1 Egg; beaten
Sesame seeds

Recipe Temperature:

This Easy Recipe Serves: 24

Recipe Preparation: bake

How to easily cook Free Recipe: Our Special Challah

Dissolve yeast in warm water. Have remaining ingredients at room temperature. To yeast mixture, add salt, sugar, margarine and 5 eggs. Mix well. Gradually add whole wheat flour, then enough bread flour so that the dough can be kneaded. Knead well, adding breadflour as needed. Place in oiled bowl, turning dough to oil the top. Cover with a damp towel, and let rise in a warm place till doubled. Punch down, and let rise again. Form into braided or spiral loaves (2 gigantic or 4 medium or 8 small or a combination of these). Place on baking sheets, which have been sprayed with vegetable oil cooking spray. Let rise till almost doubled. Brush with beat en egg, and sprinkle with sesame seeds. Bake in a preheated 350F oven for about 30 minutes. or until loaves test done. (We use a convection oven, and the bread is done after 25 minutes.) NOTES : Two impressive shapes: 1) Divide the dough two-thirds/one-third. Divide the larger section into three. Roll each of these smaller sections into ropes, and braid together. Repeat the dividing and braiding with the smaller section of dough. Brush the larger braid with egg, and center the smaller braid on it, securing with toothpicks. Remove the toothpicks after the rising period. 2) Divide the dough into thirds. Roll each piece into a very long, thin rope. Braid these together. Form a spiral with the braid, starting at the center and tucking the end under when done. Recipe by: Annice Posted to JEWISH-FOOD digest by Annice Grinberg on May 10, 98

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