Spicy Coconut Fish Fillets

Free Recipe Title: Spicy Coconut Fish Fillets

This Free Recipe ‘Spicy Coconut Fish Fillets’ requires the following ingredients:

2 tb Corn oil
1 ts Onion seeds
4 Dried red chillies
3 Garlic cloves, sliced
1 md Onion, sliced
2 md Tomatoes, sliced
2 tb Dessicated or shredded
1 ts Salt
1 ts Ground coriander
4 Flatfish fillets such as
Plaice, sole or flounder
Each about 75g(3oz)
150 ml Qtr pint water
1 tb Lime juice
1 tb Chopped fresh coriander

Recipe Temperature:

This Easy Recipe Serves: 4

Recipe Preparation: cook

How to easily cook Free Recipe: Spicy Coconut Fish Fillets

1. Heat the oil in a deep round bottomed frying pan (skillet) or a karahi(wok). Lower the heat slightly and add the onion seeds, dried red chillies, garlic slices and onion. Cook for 3-4 minutes, stirring once or twice. 2. Add the tomatoes, coconut, slat and coriander and stir thoroughly. 3. Cut each fish fillet into 3 pieces. Drop the fish pieces into the mixture and turn them over gently until they are well coated with the mixture. 4. Cook for 5-7 minutes, lowering the heat if necessary. Add the water, lime juice and fresh coriander (cilantro) and cook for a further 3-5 minutes until the water has mostly evaporated. Serve immediately with rice. Imran C. Posted to TNT - Prodigy’’s Recipe Exchange Newsletter by I. Chaudhary on Apr 27, 1997

Do you cook Spicy Coconut Fish Fillets differently?

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