Free Recipe Title: Grapefruit And Ginger Marmalade

This Free Recipe ‘Grapefruit And Ginger Marmalade’ requires the following ingredients:

tawny coloured marmalade has a wonderful citrus flavour

Recipe Temperature: and place in a large preserving pan. Tie the white pith and pips together in a piece of muslin and add to the preserving pan with the peel and water. Bring to the boil and simmer gently for 1 3/4 – 2 hours or until the peel is tender and the contents of the pan reduced by at least half. Remove the muslin bag from the pan

This Easy Recipe Serves: squeezing well and allowing any juices to run back into the pan. Add the sugar and finely shredded ginger and stir continuously until the sugar has dissolved completely. Boil rapidly for 10-15 minutes then remove from the heat and test for a set. It is ready when the temperature on a sugar thermometer reaches 105