Free Recipe Title: African Spinach and Peanut Butter Stew

This Free Recipe ‘African Spinach and Peanut Butter Stew’ requires the following ingredients:

2 Onions
2 Tomatoes (peeled or tinned)
2 lb Spinach
4 tb Peanut butter (not sweet!)
Oil for frying

Recipe Temperature:

This Easy Recipe Serves: 6

Recipe Preparation: boil

How to easily cook Free Recipe: African Spinach and Peanut Butter Stew

Slice the onions and fry in oil until soft. Peel the tomatoes in boiling water (or use tinned tomatoes). Slice and add to the onions. Wash, trim and chop the spinach coarsely. Add to the stew and cook, covered, over a medium heat for 5 minutes, stirring to prevent sticking. Thin the peanut butter with hot water to make a smooth paste. Add to the stew. Season with salt and pepper and cook for another 5 – 10 minutes, stirring and adding water if necessary to prevent sticking. From Gemini”s MASSIVE MealMaster collection at

Do you cook African Spinach and Peanut Butter Stew differently?

Do you cook African Spinach and Peanut Butter Stew in a different way? Drop us a comment so other free recipe readers can make the best of your alteration.