Free Recipe Title: Guinea Fowl Braised in Orange Sauce

This Free Recipe ‘Guinea Fowl Braised in Orange Sauce’ requires the following ingredients:


Recipe Temperature: bring to the boil

This Easy Recipe Serves: stirring until thickened. Stir in the orange zest

Recipe Preparation: stirring continually. Gradually add the stock and orange juice

How to easily cook Free Recipe: Guinea Fowl Braised in Orange Sauce

Heat 15ml (1tbsp) of the oil in a flameproof casserole and fry the guinea fowl until golden on both sides. Remove from the pan and drain on kitchen paper. Heat the remaining oil in the casserole and fry the shallots until slightly golden brown. Add the flour and cook for 1 minute

Do you cook Guinea Fowl Braised in Orange Sauce differently?

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